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If you are interested to join the APSIG Community to discuss on any Internet governance issues that are related to our region or receive any news updates from us, please subscribe to the below mailing lists.

Acceptable Usage Policy

The APSIG mailing lists consists of the subscribers from the Asia Pacific region and other Economies. Subscription to APSIG mailing lists is open to any interested individual. These mailing lists are intended to facilitate discussion among the interested individuals on matters relevant to national, regional, and global Internet governance.

The APSIG mailing lists are provided by APNIC and are administered by members of the APSIG Executive Committee. None of these individuals, nor APNIC, nor the organizations they work for, is responsible for its content.

Any message sent to these lists will be archived and made available on the public automatically.

In order to continue to provide a useful forum for discussion of relevant Internet governance matters, users of the list are asked to respect the following etiquette.